A school of Quantum Magic.
Quanta as Information. Magic as Intention.
A training ground for consciousness explorers and artistic players.
A new path and an ancient path. Rebirthed as one.
An alliance with the intelligences of Creation.
A consciousness technology that combines, weaves and connects different morphogenetic fields of information together, in a coherent and intentional configuration.
It creates an interdimensional network that supports, organizes and hosts specific processes or expressions of a clear intention.
Grid Masters are musicians of the Spheres.
Beauty, Grace and Magick are constantly inspiring and guiding our creational processes. Using and honoring our own unique perception and intention, we succeed to give birth to a Symphony of Frequencies and Essences, a Dance of Sound and Light, an Elemental and Essential mysterious Alchemy.
Grid Mastery is an Art, like music.
It is an attempt to invite Grace and Flow in our constant dance of being and doing. Its purpose can be seen as a trinity of pillars.
The masculine inclination can use it to bring more efficiency, coherence and strength to our actions. More power.
The feminine inclination can use it to bring more beauty, flow and more Grace to our expression and beingness. More life.
The inner child, the third pillar can use it to experience more playfulness, curiosity and joy. More presence.
Every student has to start with the Apprentice Grid Weaver level.
The next levels will be available once you graduate.

Learn the foundations of Grid Weaving.
Basic templates
Basic Threads and Essences
Basic Grid weaving and creation
Grid Activations and maintenance
Grid uses
More details
5 weeks online course startingĀ 22nd march 2025
Upgrade your skills to a whole new level!
Intermediate templates
Intermediate Threads and Essences
Shamanic multi-dimensional grids
More tools, activations
Grids for Light Working

Become a Grid Master!
Advanced templates
Advanced Threads and Essences
Advanced Activations
Krystic Eternal life grids
Planetary Grid Work
And many more secrets revealed...

"Gridmasters is a glimpse into the Great Mystery. It is a potential pathway for Sacred Remembrance, to access again the ancient stations of identity hosting, where we are aware of all timelines, of all our God Selves incarnated through our time space Matrix."
Demian Haye - Gridmasters teacher
Testimonials from students

«I felt such high compatibility with Demian’s Gridmasters course. For months, I’ve been calling in certain teachings and wishing to upgrade what I’m doing as a healer and teacher. When I found out about this course, it felt as if the Universe fulfilled my wish. So, it felt as such high synchronicity. Demian is a true embodiment of a great teacher and one with great integrity. I absolutely loved every piece of teaching he provided and I particularly appreciated both the depth and breadth of his teachings and knowledge, going deeply into finer nuances and subtleties that not many do, while also maintaining the bigger picture of things. And it was also on many topics that are my favorites to play with (flower essences, crystals, astrology, numbers, light language etc.). In addition, this course gives you such freedom and ample opportunity to be creative and create freely on your own whatever you need and this is priceless.»
Katarina SupiĨić, Croatia
Healer and Teacher of Light Language and Quantum Resonance

«Gridmasters is a well structured, guided, powerful class to learn about the shamanic science of collaborating with spirits and essences of nature. I love the way Demian has set up the learning process and the exercices. It is for me a pristine example of applied spiritual teachings, as well as a fantastic transmission from an accomplished guide. Can't wait for the level 2 !»
Thomas Carriere
GRIDMASTERS is a consciousness technology that combines, weaves and connects different morphogenetic fields of information together, in a coherent and intentional configuration.
It creates an interdimensional network that supports, organizes and hosts specific processes or expressions of a clear intention.
Everyone works with grids that they slowly created then maintained over time. Any expertise, any skill, any genius you have is a set of templates and information organized in a coherent and complex way.
Grids are like songs.
There are a lot of sounds around, everywhere, since the beginning of creation. Through life, we start to become our own unique song or sets of songs. A coherent and complex expression of our code. And then, you have the songs that were composed by creative beings. Intentional expressions of a story, of a feeling, of a message.
Songs are like grids.
There are a lot of information (grids) around, everywhere, since the beginning of creation. Through life, we start to weave and give birth to our own unique grids. A coherent and complex expression of our code. And then, you have the grids that were dreamt by creative beings. Intentional expressions of processes, messages and wishes.
Do you want to experience Gridmasters technology?
Watch this guided meditation to interact with a grid supporting clarity in decision making.
Watch the guided meditation for free
When is the online class happening?
The next online 5 weeks program of Apprentice Gridweaver will start 1st of June 2023 with the first online Live group session.
Are the Live classes recorded? What happens if I cannot attend live?
Yes the classes are recorded and available in the Course curriculum. If you cannot attend live, you can watch the replay and ask questions by email.
When is the second level of Gridmasters happening, the Elemental Grid Activator level?
Elemental Grid activator level will start in October 2023 for a duration of 9 weeks.
Are the courses certified?
At the end of each level, you will have a Live call with Demian that will check the grids you have created. This is considered to be your graduation call. If you did well, then you´ll get your certificate for the level of Gridmasters you completed.
Are payment plans available?
It depends, but yes it is possible. You can discuss this matter with Demian during your Discovery call.
I have another question, how can I contact Demian?
Please contact me at [email protected] with your question. I will do my best to answer ASAP.